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Best of Delicious #2

Well, the votes are in and the results suggest that your interests are all over the map. We can’t cover everything you suggested, so for our second Best of Delicious day, we’ll focus on two broad topics:

1. Government Use of Web 2.0 Technologies. How is the U.S. Government (and the Obama administration in particular) using the web to redefine the idea of participatory government? Are we seeing a genuine shift in how democracy is enacted, or is this just another case of, ahem, putting lipstick on a pig?

Please familiarize yourself with the White House’s “Open for Questions” website, then review these three articles (and explore the sites they link to):

2. Privacy, Identity, and the Workplace. New technologies may help us find jobs … then lose them. What rights, if any, should employees have when they make digital faux pas? How can companies encourage their employees to communicate online without embarrassing themselves or their employers? How can we we manage our online identities to help, not hurt, our professional careers?

If time permits, you may also want to explore the three “Deep Web” search engines mentioned in the first article: Spokeo, Pipil, and CVGadget. I would be interested to hear your reactions to how these sites function and what type of results you found for yourselves and/or friends.

We’ll meet in Ross 420 on Thursday. Bring your opinions and be ready for an engaging discussion!

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